Sunday 13 March 2011

This week. What a week.

Wow, I haven't blogged since Tuesday!
This week has been so very busy. And so much driving to get to places really quickly.
Then this weekend, I did almost nothing just because I was so exhausted.
This week i'm going to try and pace myself a bit better!
On Friday night, I made a Thai meal for my new housemate Mimi, and also for Adam and myself.
I found some kaffir lime leaves at a fruit and vege store close to uni. They are awesome for Thai curries. The leaf by themselves taste bitter but spicy at the same time, so weird. But they bring great flavour to the dish. I added a photo of what the leaves look like because I think it looked bizarre. They are like two leaves joined together to make one.
One thing that was a bummer when making this dish was, at the supermarket I could not find fresh corriander!
Woolies did not have any on the shelves! How rude! lol.
So yeah I had to go the paste. It was ok, You could taste a difference.
Corriander is so important in a Thai dish, remember that!

On Saturday night, Adam and I made Gnocchi together. This time it was just packet mix gnocchi, which i reckon is still good. We couldn't decide what to put in our gnocchi, there wasn't much ingredients in the house. But this is what we ended up with. Onion cooked in a bit of olive oil, then to make a paste I mixed sweet potato and cashew dip with sour cream! Yes that is weird, but tasted amazing.


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