Saturday 5 March 2011

A 3 course meal.

The best part of this meal was the dessert, in my opinion anyways. I used a recipe from Justin North's fantastic book called French Lessons. I have really enjoyed reading through this book and learning about techniques and different parts of French cooking. I have definitely fell in love with the sweets and treats in this book and this time I tackled the Chocolate Mousse. As part of the mousse I needed to make something called a Sweet Sabayon. Quick google define what that means, best description i could fine was "a frothy sweet sauce of egg yolks, sugar, wine, and flavorings that is whipped while being cooked in a water bath" So thats what I made! Justin North has an easy way of making it in an electric mixer but for 500ml of it, it uses 10egg yolks! Making the mousse was tricky, I didn't do it perfectly right, but it was heaps of fun. I'll perfect it a few more times before I post the recipe.

Slowly cooking the eggs for the Sweet Sabayon.

The frothy eggs after mixing them for 5mins!

Melting chocolate for the mousse.
The Mousse ready to be set.

Indian butter I used for the Butter Chicken.

The start of my butter chicken

Butter Chicken

Butter Chicken

Making Naan bread.

Entree' - made by Adam.

Entree' - the beautiful salmon crackers assembled by Cheryl.

Adam's Entree' again.

Also Entree'.

The final result of butter chicken.

My subjects chosen to trail my butter chicken.


Adam, i think the spices got to him later, he wasn't smiling for long.


The best bit! Yummmmm.

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