Wednesday 2 March 2011

Dear Centrelink

I am a tiny bit disappointed in the government when it comes to supporting those who need financial help. I have been on Centrelink for the past year, on the Newstart allowance as I was working as a casual away from home looking for further work and doing minor studies at tafe. May I also add, i know many people on this allowance that fake the paperwork at sit around doing who knows what.
You would think that if one decides it their best career move to go to uni to benefit a better income and to benefit the Australian schools, you would think that the government would support you in full time studies.
Well, not particularly. Because I am studying fulltime, centrelink see's me unable to work therefore no-longer eligible for Newstart, fair enough. But then you look into the requirements for Aus-study and other allowances similar. There is a loophole and its ridiculous. If you can't claim independence from your parents (you need to earn 20,000 within an 18month period since leaving highschool) and if your parents earn too much, then by law your parents are required to fund your living expenses while at Uni until 25years old!
So I asked the guy at Centrelink... so basically if I decide I don't want to study at Uni and I need to look for a new job, I can an allowance back. And he said Yes! How ridiculous is that!
I would think for someone to get into Uni and to complete units within their course is a good effort and they are doing well for themselves, I would think that Centrelink should assist Uni students better!
Anyways thats my little rant. I'll get over it.
Its just another opportunity for me to stand firm and believe what God wants me to do, and trust him that he will do it.
I am ok, I will be able to learn, I do have a little bit of income from work, enough to pay rent, Adam can help me out with other living expences but in terms of saving for a wedding as well this year! Ouch. God, please provide!

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