Wednesday 2 March 2011

First week at Uni

So i'm in the middle of my first week at Uni. I really enjoying it so far. Met some nice people and lecturers, and enjoying developing relationships with them. I'm enjoying the campus, so nice and relaxing, it almost feels like its in the bush with a few buildings dumped there. I am enjoying learning new things, my classes seem interesting and challenging. Except for Christian Studies, i don't want to go back to Sunday school, i want to be a bit more challenged with philosophy and pull apart religions and really start to pull apart the bible more than just the surface issues. I guess I'm doing the wrong course for that, I guess that falls under the Ministries degree.
Hmmm... not looking forward to buying my text books, thats going to be a large chunk out of the bank account at an average of $100 a book!
Well, i'm going to keep enjoying these first few weeks of uni, until it hits me later when the assignments come pouring in, i will realise just what I have gotten myself into! Haha.. but until then, Uni is fun! :) weeeeeeeee!

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