Thursday 3 February 2011


So at the moment I work in Before and After school care at two different schools with Camp Australia.
I really enjoy working there, I have the greatest time with the kids doing activities, playing games and dancing and heaps more!
But recently we have encountered a challenge. An ISS child has come into our care at the school I work at in the mornings. She is a beautiful, smart Autistic girl, but she is also a challange.
Because she is a recognised ISS child that means we get an extra staff member rostered on each day she attends which is great and because I have an interest in special needs children I tend to take the initiative to play with her. Trouble is, I don't know what I'm doing as I haven't been trained as to what she is going through and how to react to different things she does.
I wish I could get trainning or something. I want to work with her to get into a routine for each day. Because often she ends up getting in a fight with someone and hurting them, most of the time I intervene which leads to me getting bruises and things :(
So yeah basically if there was a way I could learn to prevent any of that happening in the first place would be awesome.
Thats whats on my mind about work at the moment, its stressing me out at the moment. It makes me dread coming to work because I don't know what to do. But I want to learn through this oppertunity some how.
I'm going to contact my regional manager today and see if she has anything in mind for us that could work.

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