Tuesday 22 February 2011

Dear Christchurch

Dear Christchurch,
I prayed for you today,
I prayed that you would be strong,
When everything seems weak,
I prayed that your people would have courage,
And that somehow,
God would shine through.
As he always does, faithfully.

Sometimes its hard to believe, that God has his hand on every situation.
But that's the beauty of faith I guess. Believing when unable to see, that everything is ok. That God is forever loving. 

Dear Christchurch, I cried today.
When I heard the news. When I saw the pictures. I am secretly grateful I'm not there to experience it, but my heart goes out to those who really are. I want to give you all hugs. And tell you it will all be ok. 
Cling on to God our stronghold in this time. He'll see you through, it'll be alright.
You can only get stronger now right?

If you were to lose everything, there is one thing that you can never lose, God's love and comfort, and the help and support of those around you.

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