Saturday 2 July 2011

Date Night with Sugar!

So Addz and I have put aside our Saturday nights for Date Night's for just over a year I think. It has been a great opportunity to have the other person's attention no matter what, and we take it in turns to choose what to do. Last night it was my turn and I was stumped on ideas and I was getting a bit disheartened. I found an old masterchef masterclass online - Gary and George made a Chocolate gluttony with spun sugar! So then I got the idea that we could make the spun sugar together just as a fun activity. Have a look through the pictures below to see what fun and mess Addz and I got into! Hehe.

300g of Caster Sugar and 150ml of Water coming to the boil
- Don't Stir it or else it will crystallize!
It needs to become 150oC! Be careful not to burn yourself!

Adam flicking it all over the place making a huge mess!
Sugar Webs!
Omn nom nom!
Our sticky mess!
Yum! Toffee!
What a fun night! :)

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