Friday 1 April 2011

Apirl Fools

Well everyone likes a bit of a joke right?
I think April fools is an extremely fun time of the year. Not only does it mean just 23 days until my birthday. But it means we can get creative and give people a bit of a giggle.

One of the biggest rules with April fools is, pick who you fool carefully. Not everyone likes being embarssed!
 And don't pull a prank unless you mind having a prank done to you.

This year one of the best pranks was the radio station 96.5, had decided to switch radio hosts for the breakfast show. And soooo many people kicked up a stink saying how upset they were with the changed only to find out at the end of the show that they had been fooled!

All I did this year was convince people that Adam and I were going down to Melbourne the next day. We fooled a few, but our favourite was Jasy :P

Lets brainstorm for next year guys! I want to have some good jokes floating around!! 

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