Monday 18 April 2011

Humble Hearts

David humbled himself again and again. The Bible says that David was a man after God's own heart. When David talked about coming to a place of brokenness he did not mean despair and hopelessness or being hurt, he meant humility, the opposite of pride. So we can be like David and learn from every disappointment in life.
Below are some simple questions I copied from a book i'm reading at the moment and I thought they were so beautiful and spot on.

1. Lord, what do You want to teach me in this situation? What attitude should I have? What should be my response? What biblical principles is any, have I violated in this situation?

2. Has there been any disobedience on my part regarding the action, the timing, the people involved or the method?

3. Lord, do I need to forgive anyone in this disappointment?

4. Do I need to seek counsel of any godly person for help in this situation? Would You please give him or her the kind of insight into my life, my needs, and my reactions that will help me learn what You want me to learn?

5. Lord, am I overspiritualizing this situation and missing some practical lessons I should learn?

6. Lord, what are the adjustments and changes I need to make? Help me to take the necessary steps so I can get on with life.

7. Who should I now be serving, instead of worrying about myself?

Thursday 14 April 2011

Who created assignments and then threw them my way!

Yeap you heard it folks, its assignment/exam time for mid semester! ok bye cya... pretty much ay like the last few weeks i've been hiding away in my books.

Last night to keep my sanity i made mixed berry pie! mmmmmm
I got the recipie right from here:

So yeah cannot wait till Easter holidays... Thursday next week!

In the mean time wish me luck! <3

Wednesday 6 April 2011


The apple of God’s eye
Fearfully and wonderfully made
No part a mistake
Precious in his sight

There may be challenges each and every day
But you are not in it alone
God is with us, he never leaves us
So when we need his stength
All we need to do is ask
With God’s grace and strength, we are victorious!

Yes his love never ends
No matter what we do
He is healing our hurts
We can now sleep in peace

Rest now
Knowing that God is fighting the battle for you!
You are victorious in every situation!

Friday 1 April 2011

Apirl Fools

Well everyone likes a bit of a joke right?
I think April fools is an extremely fun time of the year. Not only does it mean just 23 days until my birthday. But it means we can get creative and give people a bit of a giggle.

One of the biggest rules with April fools is, pick who you fool carefully. Not everyone likes being embarssed!
 And don't pull a prank unless you mind having a prank done to you.

This year one of the best pranks was the radio station 96.5, had decided to switch radio hosts for the breakfast show. And soooo many people kicked up a stink saying how upset they were with the changed only to find out at the end of the show that they had been fooled!

All I did this year was convince people that Adam and I were going down to Melbourne the next day. We fooled a few, but our favourite was Jasy :P

Lets brainstorm for next year guys! I want to have some good jokes floating around!!