Wednesday 22 June 2011

Exam's are finally over! 5 weeks of holidays for me!

Yay Uni holidays have finally arrived! Time to work my butt off and save for the wedding! Not long left to go! Wohoooooo! So exciting! To treat myself for all of my diligent hard work studying I brought a new handbag. It's cute and little and has French designs on it! And it's not heavy because I can't fit much in it! :P
These holidays I plan to:
- Relax
- Get lots of hours at work
- Finalize all RSVP's and numbers for wedding
- Adam and I are going to Melbourne end of July to finialise some wedding plans
- Eat healthy and cook some really beautiful meals
- Watch every episode of Masterchef
- Have a quiet time and do a devotion every day

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